In English

The Palestine Solidarity Association of Stockholm is a part of the Palestine Solidarity Association in Sweden (PGS). It is a non-profit organization and it is independent from party politics and religious institutions.

Our goal is a free Palestine inside the borders of 1967, including Gaza, the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem. Israel must leave the occupied territories in accordance with UN resolution 242. The right of return for the fugitives has to be respected in accordance with UN resolution 194. Human rights and equality before the law must apply to everyone in Palestine and Israel.

Our methods are dissemination of information, advocacy, and boycot. We are active in social media. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

We repudiate antisemitism, islamophobia, rasism and terrorism, and do not accept hate, threat and violence.

Board elected at the annual meeting 2024-03-21

Tove Hestner, chair
Tomas Cronholm
Anders Lindberg
Lasse Björkdahl
Mina Olsson
Caroline Campbell
Elin Jones

Contact us via e-mail: [email protected]